From your Kitchen Window!

Fancy watching a massive white tailed sea eagle through your kitchen window anyone ?

We often eat lunch at the breakfast bar in the kitchen to enjoy the view of the bay and the ocean beyond. The wildlife on show depends on the time of year and in Spring it's a great place to watch mergansers, divers and eider ducks feeding near the shore below the garden.

Our lunch was interrupted by the gulls making a very noisy commotion. I looked out of the window to see a huge eagle with a white tail flying very close to the garden. Its wingspan was easily over 2 meters and it was twisting and turning to evade the noisy gulls which were mobbing it.
We watched the eagle glide over the bay with the gulls on its tail in the spring sunshine. I retrieved the camera from the study and managed to grab a few shots as the eagle wheeled round and flew back past the kitchen window.

We had just been treated to a regal flypast by a white tailed sea eagle (Britains largest bird) during our lunch !